Occupational injury insurance programs in the United States are regulated by local law, that is, at the state level. At the federal level, such programs apply only to miners and civil servants.
In some states, insurance programs apply only to employees of hazardous industries. There are also programs that do not apply to small workforces, where 3-5 people or less work.
Occupational accident insurance programs are funded by employers. Their costs depend on how much workers risk their lives and health in a particular enterprise. If for office employees they usually account for only 0.1% of the total salary payment, then in enterprises with a high risk of injury they cost 2.15% of salaries.
Each of these programs provides for specific amounts and terms of labor compensation to victims.
Types of worker’s compensation in the United States:
– Cash payments to the victim if they were injured or to their family if they died at work.
– Payment for medical care for injured employees.
The amount of cash payments is very different in different states, the difference can reach up to 10 times from the lowest paying state to the highest.
In many states (for example, Iowa, Delaware, Minnesota, Maryland, New York, Ohio, Florida), the minimum amount of worker’s compensation is equal to the monthly salary of the affected employee.
All programs provide for physical rehabilitation for the injured employee. If a person has been injured such that he can no longer perform his or her job duties, the employer is obliged to organize and pay for professional retraining, courses, training so that he can change his profession and find a new job.
Also, almost all programs provide payments for food, travel, hotel services for the victim during his rehabilitation after injury.
If a person died at work, his heirs have the right to receive his worker’s compensation.