Child Support

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Child support should not be confused with alimony. The allowance is financial support for children only. Child support is intended to support a low-income spouse after a divorce.

Child support is paid to the guardian parent – the parent with whom the child lives. These funds can only be spent on the child’s needs.

What is included in child support:

1. Money to pay for basic needs. That is, to pay for housing, clothing, food.

2. Money that will go to pay for the services of a nanny, nurse if the guardian cannot be with the child all the time and goes to work.

3. Funds to pay for the child’s extracurricular activities, various children’s activities, participation in competitions, and the like.

4. Payment for the child’s medical insurance, medical, dental services.

If the child is already a teenager in college and does not live with a guardian or is part-time, the other parent will still have to pay benefits in most cases.

How do I get Child Support in the USA?

1. The second parent is required to pay the benefit only after a court decision.

2. You can pay in cash by transferring it to the guardian parent or by check. Also, the allowance can be deducted by the Fundraising Department every month from the salary.

3. To pay less than the court order, the paying parent may give up some property to the custodial parent. There may be other reasons why the court will decide to reduce the amount of the benefit.

Calculation of child support

The court uses a unique formula. It takes the income of both parents into account.

You will need to provide tax returns for the last three years, as well as forms 1099-e and W-2, documents that confirm that you receive retirement benefits, social benefits, unemployment benefits, disabilities, etc.

Tax payments and other benefits (if any) are deducted from the parent’s gross income. The remaining amount is multiplied by the following percentage:

One child — 17%,

Two children — 25%

Three — 29%

Four — 31%

Five — 35%.

The resulting amount is divided by the income of each parent. After this, the paying parent will pay the guardian parent their share.

The court takes into account the difference in income. A higher-income parent will pay more if the guardian’s income is meager.

The court must consider all factors so that the child support amount is fair and does not infringe on the rights of either the paying parent, the guardian or the children.