
HudsonLawGroup > Family Law > Alimony

Alimony is financial assistance to a child from a non-guardian parent.

Alimony includes:

• Basic payment – based on the basic needs of the child and the income of the parent.

• Payment of medical insurance for the child.

• Payments to pay for medical services not covered by health insurance.

In the United States, the amount of alimony is determined taking into account:

• Net income of both parents

• Number of children

• The minimum amount established by the state that parents are obliged to spend on ensuring a comfortable life for their children

• Expenses for medical insurance of the child

• Other specific expenses (for example, additional financial costs if a child has a disability or expenses for teaching especially gifted children).

• The time that the non-guardian parent is allowed to spend with the child (the more, the more alimony will be). In the case of joint custody, the amount of alimony will be less than in the case of the sole custody of one parent.